September 18, 2020
The Kick-Off meeting of the project “InnoVative photocatalytIc paintS for healthy envirOnment and eNergy Saving” «VISIONS» – LIFE19 ENV/GR/000100 took place online on Friday 18 September 2020, in the presence of the project teams of the Monitoring expert of EC/EASME, project’s coordinator and the representatives of the partners as follow:
- Thomas Maggos (TM ), Dikaia Saraga, Mina Stamatelopoulou (NCSR Demokritos)
- George Kiriakidis (GK), Vasilis Binas (VB) (FORTH)
- Fotis Barbas (FB), E. Fragou, G. Tsegas + team from administrative staff (AUTH)
- Nikolakopoulos (AN), K. Theodorou (KT) (VITEX)
- Nejib Benessaiah (NB) (External Monitoring Team NEEMO)
- G. Valaora (GV) (NEEMO)
Welcome speeches were delivered by the External Monitoring Team NEEMO, Mr. Nejib Benessaiah and the NCSR Demokritos Mr. Thomas Maggos.
Presentations were then made from each partner on the parter’s profile and the method to implement the actions for which they are responsible.